Eligibility Criteria:

  • Open to both non-profit organizations and registered charities
  • In order to spread the benefits to as many organizations as possible, grant recipients in the immediately preceding year are not eligible to participate in the current year. They are welcome to reapply in the following year.
  • The organization does not need to be based in Orangeville, but must serve the residents of Orangeville in a significant way.
  • The organization’s mission must generally support one of Rotary International’s seven areas of focus:
    • Basic education and literacy
    • Economic and community development
    • Maternal and child heath
    • Disease prevention and treatment
    • Water and sanitation
    • Peace and conflict prevention / resolution
    • Supporting the environment
  • Program values should be consistent with Rotary’s 4-Way Test:
    • Is it the TRUTH?
    • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
    • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
  • The organization must demonstrate a genuine need for the additional funding.