Present:  Jeff, Lori, Adrian, Dave, Cory, Bryce, Mark, Cathy, Bob, Michele

GoFundMe campaign raised over $10,000 thanks to one last push.  way to go!

We agreed to go back to meeting twice per month.  First and Third Wednesdays via Zoom.  Next meeting May 20th.  Board meeting May 27th.

MyFM – Renfrew Rotary?  Todd was not on the call this week.  Hopefully, he can give us an update next time.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters – Bowl for Kids was cancelled, however, they are still planning to sell their raffle tickets.  Michele to get details from Nancy and share – maybe we can help sell tickets?

Speaker – Vanessa; Lavender Blue Catering

Vanessa from Lavender Blue spoke passionately about our community and how they help.  
Soup Sisters – in partnership with Lori Roberts-Shaw – still making soup for FTP.
Vanessa is in contact with County Emergency Response (Steve), the Foodbank (Heather), DCAF (Jennifer), FTP (Norah), Choices (Eric), Lighthouse trying to keep on top of what the requirements are.  Hoffman Plastics donates containers and they cook when needed and when there is room in the freezers and fridges at the various places.  
Food Security in Dufferin County is ok right now.  It is expected this will change in the coming months.  DCAF is concerned about the fallout of this virus with regards to mental health.
Places like DejaVu and Nifty Nook are assisting with providing food.
Vanessa thinks the main issue is housing.  
Jennifer Moore, Norah Kennedy and Heather Hayes all work together and communicate well.  Three amazing women working together!  I think we need to include Vanessa and Kerri – two more amazing women!** editor’s note:  I heard that last week Jennifer and Norah got together with Althea and the Board from Choices and have agreed to work together to mentor Althea and help Choices become more organized and successful, which is great!  

Next Zoom Meeting May 20th 7:30 am

Next meeting – Wednesday, May 20th via Zoom.  Suggested topic – How do we raise more money?  What virtual ideas can we come up with?